Thursday, 14 November 2013

Faces - International Students, Boston 2013

During September and October 2013 I was commissioned by Navitas to photograph their international students at 3 University of Massachusetts campuses in the Boston area as well as at the University of New Hampshire at Durham.

International Students photographed for Navitas, September / October - 2013.

On a three week road trip Navitas Art Director, David Kilvert, and I wandered around the North East of the US visiting the four campuses and the many towns and cities in between.

This collection of images pays tribute to the many wonderful students I met and photographed.

Navitas brings young people from all over the world to learn at these fine universities as well as at many others around the world

With profound thanks to the students and staff at Navitas Boston. 

Photography - Paul Foley - Lightmoods
Art Direction - David Kilvert - Navitas
Original Music by Sean Degan ‘Shirts for Mathew

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