Wednesday, 6 November 2013

'We only have to do it right once' Robert Downey Jr

Sam Jones is a photographer who has pictured actors for 20 years. He has recently launched an online video magazine called 'Off Camera' featuring long interviews with some of the people he has photographed during his career.

I really enjoyed his chat with Robert Downey Jr which I can highly recommend. It is an insightful discussion with an artist and human being who clearly has used each life experience to enhance the one that follows.

In Downey's words:
“If somebody has not really made space for themselves they can't really make space for somebody else”

He talks about his acting method which might be aptly described as 'prepared invention' or as he says,'When I am dropped in a hot zone I know how to find a bush'

He also talks about experience and how he has learnt to work with younger actors, 'I like inviting people to realise, yes I am just another schmuck standing here. I am just really good at being just another schmuck standing here because I've done it a lot'

I really liked this comment about 'natural talent':
'You don't want to be dependant on god's grace. You have to know what to do when the suns not shining.'

If you do check out this video it will be good if you can play it through your television. The plain, well lit set and conversational style can have you thinking you are sitting there with Jones and Downey in your living room.

1 comment:

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